" Clayens NP Simonin veut faire des économies… d’énergie"

Read the interview of Sébastien MARECHAL in the Journal du Palais (Maintenance and Safety Manager at Clayens NP Simonin), who became the energy referent for his site after his PROPREFEI training in June 2020. Training offered to the maintenance and safety managers of 5 sites of Clayens group (AIP, NP Nord, NP Sud, Clayens NP, NP Simonin).
The aim of this training is to take stock of energy consumption, which allows us to identify our weaknesses.
Each of the participants learned to develop their energy management. Thanks to a "post-training" follow-up, our different plants will be accompanied for two and a half days by the ROZO training organisation in order to make progress on about ten themes.
Sébastien, looks back on the actions implemented in 2021 at Clayens NP Simonin.