Who are you?
I am Timothée, I am 27 years old, I work in the management control department at Clayens NP Simonin, in collaboration with my manager Mr. Régis BOURMANCE, and with the Administrative and Financial Manager, Mr. Gaylord CHOULET, for the accounting part.
I joined the company in September 2017, initially as a trainee, for 3 years, during which period I graduated with a BAC+4 in management control.
I have now been a full-time employee for over 2 years.
We are in charge of management control for Clayens NP Simonin, Clayens NP Capelec, and recently for Clayens NP Jura.
How long have you been with Clayens?
Since 2017 !
What are your assignments?
My job is to analyze or implement tools to measure the company's performance. We have to ensure a good visibility of the company's financial situation. In this sense, we help the management bodies in the strategic decision making.
To achieve this, I carry out different missions which can be daily, weekly, monthly or even annually.
I can't really describe a typical day; it's the closings and the different deadlines that dictate our daily routine.
We make sure that costs are reliable and we try to optimize them.
At the end of each month, we are responsible for producing the results, and we have to check that the figures in the accounts match those in the ERP system. At the beginning of each week, I give the level of activity of the past week, which allows us to estimate a projection for the end of the month, it is a steering indicator for the management.
We analyze these results and we have to find explanations for any variations in the various items.
On the monthly closing side, we look more at the sales, inventory and consumption part up to the gross margin, which we call the upper part of the result. Gaylord looks mainly at the other part, up to the generated result.
The activity is particularly intense after the summer vacations until the end of the year, when we enter the period of budgets, inventory, calculation of depreciation of stock etc...
Every month, I am also in charge of studying the profitability of the products sold, which is also when I can notice any anomalies. I now organize a meeting with the management to identify the causes and find solutions.
In conclusion, we are here to help steer production and also to optimize the company's financial profitability, which includes making production costs more reliable.
What I like in this job is the fact of collaborating with all the services, the research of information and its analysis, the communication with the management in order to take strategic decisions.
Tell us about a typical day ?
I don't have a typical day, nor a typical week!
I do different tasks, but always with the aim of helping the management in the steering of the production.
For you Clayens is ... ?
« Clayens is my first professional experience. It is within the group that I learn my job every day and that I try to evolve positively ! »