Clayens NP Simonin: 2nd edition of DUOday

On November 23th, for the second time running, Clayens NP Simonin accepted the invitation to take part in DuoDay.
This significant initiative offers a unique platform for establishing duos between professionals and people with disabilities, encouraging fruitful exchanges on professions, missions and working environments.
Under the impetus of Régine Marthey, Logistics Manager at Clayens NP Simonin, the company is actively involved in this noble cause by welcoming Christophe Schlichter. The main aim of this day is to overcome the barriers and prejudices associated with disability in the workplace, while at the same time stimulating the employment of people with disabilities.
"On June 13th, 2023, we were invited to the Duoday Edition, which took place on November 23, 2023, and to which, as in 2022, we responded favorably.
Through Duoday, thousands of employers open their doors to people with disabilities for a professional immersion "duo" with one of their employees.
The program for the day includes job discovery, active participation, etc.
Why take part in Duoday?
One day is a very short time: it's not a job offer.
It's an opportunity to meet people without any commitment other than a day's work experience, and to change the way we look at the employability of people with disabilities.
We took part in this exchange in 2022 with Mr N'MINEJ Abdeslam, who subsequently came to work for us for 2 months in 2023.
We have therefore agreed to welcome another operator from the PROLABOR site in 2023: MR SCHLICHTER Christophe, in order to share our experiences and validate this person's professionalism and know-how.
At Clayens NP Simonin, the tutor is Mrs. SABRINA NIALON.
Here's a photo of these 2 operators:
Production sector: Assembly with semi-automatic machines.
Course of the day:
Christophe is welcomed at 8 a.m. by the sector manager, Mr HEZARD Sylvain.
Practical training on the flange machine.
Lunch with PROLABOR instructor Jean-Benoît, Sabrina, Christophe, Sylvain and myself.
Back in production, CHRISTOPHE was able to see other tasks.
At 4:00 pm, we take stock of this exchange:
For Christophe and ourselves, the day was a great success.
As with ABDESLAM, we plan to set up periods of operator delegation between our 2 companies with Christophe in 2024.
In 2024, we'll be taking part in Duoday again, and I'll see to it that this is also effective on our Saône site with another sheltered workshop close to our site."
? Photo + text report: Régine Marthey