Industry Week 2021 : Clayens NP, ouvre ses portes

From 22 to 28 November 2021, industrial companies, schools and training centres will open their doors to showcase their professions! Are you looking for information on training courses, do you want to discover your future profession or meet the players in this sector that is resolutely turned towards the future?
See you from 22 to 28 November 2021, everywhere in France!
Chats, virtual visits, open days, job fairs, web conferences, classroom presentations, job dating, etc. To find out about all the events near you, visit
"Inventing a sustainable future": Industry Week to highlight the solutions provided by industry players to major societal issues
The theme of this 10th edition highlights the ecological transition, the circular economy and the mix of professions in industry. "Inventing a sustainable future" also means highlighting the solutions offered by industry players in response to society's concerns, particularly those of young people (innovation, ecological transition, gender equality, circular economy, etc.), and to the challenges of production and national independence and sovereignty.
For the past 10 years, Industry Week has been inspiring people to take up careers by showing that industry offers exciting, stable and formative careers that are on average better paid than in other sectors.
It is with this in mind that Clayens NP is opening its doors to students and job seekers on Thursday 2 December from 2pm to 5.30pm.
On the programme:
- Visit of our technical and production centre
- Approach towards industry 4.0
- Testimonials from our employees, young recruits, work-study students, etc.
- The industry and its development possibilities
#visite #industrie #plasturgie
#etudiants #emplois
#clayensnpgroup #aworldofopportunities