Clayens Launches its Podcast, Clayver, Following International Women's Day

Clayver : Women and industry

Clayens is launching CLAYVER, an initiative aimed at promoting gender equality, inspiring women in their careers, building their confidence and networks, and positioning Clayens as an employer of choice for women pursuing careers in the industry.


By launching this community, Clayens commits to supporting women's growth and development within the company.

Clayens’ sustainability approach places increased emphasis on diversity, including a commitment to achieving 30% of leadership positions held by women by 2026. Our ambition is to offer equal opportunities to everyone, everywhere, ensuring that all employees feel valued and contribute their best. This is how we aim to drive engagement, innovation, and performance.

“In recent years, we have focused on diversity through awareness initiatives, but we want to do more. Today, women represent 47% of our global workforce, but our goal is particularly to achieve parity in leadership positions”, says Eric Pisani, CEO.

For International Women's Day 2024, we announced the Clayver initiative as a new step towards our strategic goal of enhancing feminization and diversity within Clayens and the industry at large.


Feminizing Leadership Teams – But How?

The Clayver initiative starts with a podcast: once a quarter, we will host an inspiring woman from our ecosystem. We will give her the floor to talk about her career, successes, and the obstacles she has encountered in the industry. The goal is not only to share advice but above all to inspire.

“In this way, we also hope to continue encouraging open dialogue, rally people around our shared values, and develop women leaders at Clayens”, says Clémence Simon, head of recruitment, who leads this initiative.

Additionally, through its recruitment policy and by ensuring fairness in the identification process of internal talents, Clayens aims to make a difference.


Discover Clayver!

Every quarter, you will meet a new guest on our Clayens YouTube channel! Our podcast, Clayver, is available with English and French subtitles.

For the first episode, we spoke with Alexandra Teleki, Group Purchasing Director at Clayens. Alexandra Teleki shares her journey as a woman in the industry, her experiences, challenges, and successes.


Don't miss this enriching and motivating discussion, listen to it now!


➡ Episode 1: