Clayens Group, wishes you a very nice year 2023 !

[ ? #clayenschristmasparty ]
On Clayens Group, the end of the year is all about sharing ?
Our Plant Managers, Managers, Department Managers, HR, Qualiticians, Sales Team, Operators, Project Managers, Mechanics, Logisticians, Buyers ... .... ...
? Our 3,400 employees, who support you on daily day on your projects get together to wish you another great year 2023 #happynewyear
? Continue to follow us #clayensgroup even more in 2023, we continue to write a beautiful story all together #staytuned ✨
#clayensnpgenas #clayensnpplastibell Clayens NP Plastibell #clayensnpsavoie #clayensnppiaseczno #clayensnpnord #clayensnpvosges #clayensnpjura #clayensnppolska #clayensaip #clayenspit #clayensnpmorocco #clayensnptunisia #clayensnpplastibellmexico #clayensnpsud #clayensnpslovakia #clayensnpgermany
#clayensgroup #aworldofopportunities
#trust #reputation #integrity #progress