Pink Day at NP Morocco

NP Morocco takes care of its female employees.
Nabila LAYACHI, who initiated this project, organised the "Pink Day" at NP Morocco on 2snd November.
On the programme:
- Inauguration and handing over of chocolates by Youssef HEDDA who pays special attention to the women.
- Workshops on awareness and screening for female cancers led by Dr. Nezhra Mergaoui (occupational physician)
A very nice event shared by all the NP Morocco collaborators.
? Thanks to:
Siham Lahrach - Kabira Rouhi - Nadia Lamnouri - Maria Boulafhouda - Chadid Sanae - Mariam Benrahmoune
#event #femmes #women
#sensibilisation #cancerfeminins
#npmorocco #clayensnpgroup #aworldofopportunities